Keep Your Gums
Healthy With Scaling
and Root Planing

Keep Your Gums Healthy With Scaling and Root Planing

Scaling and Root Planing in Newmarket, ON

A trip to the dentist doesn’t have to be painful or uncomfortable. Teeth cleanings work wonders at helping patients feel refreshed in our dental oasis while also producing healthier and brighter teeth. Sometimes, you may want a deeper cleaning—or we may suggest it. Let us help you feel at ease in our Newmarket dental practice!

What is it, and do I need it?

Scaling and root planing in Newmarket, ON, is a non-surgical procedure that helps prevent and treat gum disease. Professional dental hygiene cleanings work to remove buildup that can occur under your gums, even with daily brushing and flossing, to reduce redness, bleed and inflammation caused by the living bacteria in plaque and tartar. 

In simpler terms, scaling and root planing is a deeper dental cleaning. Regular visits for teeth cleaning provide an additional level of preventative care on top of brushing and flossing at home, which helps to keep your teeth and gums strong and healthy. Contact us today to schedule an appointment.

When is it needed? Risks of not getting it done

Without regular hygiene appointments, periodontal disease can develop—starting with gingivitis or red, inflamed and bleeding gums. This can progress into periodontitis, which is the loss of bone from bacteria eating away at your teeth’ supporting structures underneath your gums. Over time this can also lead to bad breath, poor function and mobility of your teeth and mouth, as well as the eventual loss of your teeth. 

Research has demonstrated that inflammation may be responsible for the association between periodontal disease and the development of several other disorders in the body. Therefore, treating inflammation may not only help manage periodontal disease but also other chronic inflammatory conditions.

How is it done?

Our dental hygienists at Oasispark Dental work to remove the plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth at every cleaning appointment. However, a periodontal cleaning of scaling and planing means they will especially target plaque trapped in the area underneath your gums, along the root of your tooth. 

This procedure generally takes more time than a typical cleaning, so we may schedule extra time or clean only a quarter or a half of your mouth at a time. We may use either a manual scraping instrument or an ultrasonic tool, i.e. a tiny vibrating wand that breaks up the plaque. We may use a local anesthetic during the procedure to “numb” the area for added comfort. 

Bacteria live in plaque and feed on the sugars you eat and drink, releasing toxins that cause gingivitis (i.e. infected, red, swollen and bleeding gums). This can eventually lead to gum disease if plaque is not removed from your teeth, causing your gums to start peeling away from your teeth, leaving pockets or spaces for tartar and bacteria to get caught in. 

If you already have gum disease, this plaque buildup has already developed underneath the gum tissue and along the root of your tooth. This makes it nearly impossible to access and remove bacteria with a regular toothbrush. Contact our team at Oasispark Dental to schedule an appointment for scaling and root planing near you.

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Office Hours

Mon – Fri: 9:00AM – 6:00PM
Sat and Sun: Times vary
Contact us for details

Comfort Menu

Heat therapy with paraffin wax
Massage chair
Available Wi-Fi
Netflix during treatment
Air hockey table
Fresh hot and cold towels
Kids Playroom (TV & Toys)
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