Treat Infections
With  Pulpectomy and Root Canal

Treat Infections With a Pulpectomy

Pulpectomy in Newmarket, ON

s your child not looking forward to the dentist? We can’t say we blame them. That’s why we set out to change kids’ opinions of what a dental visit is like. Oasispark Dental strives to be a real fun oasis for our patients, who would probably rather not see us—even when they need serious oral care like pulpectomy for child.

Do not neglect the health of your family’s teeth and gums. Contact our Newmarket practice today to learn more about our dental oasis and schedule an appointment.

What is a pulpectomy?

With a pulpectomy during root canal, we remove the inner soft tissue (i.e. the pulp) from an infected tooth. This procedure is also described as a partial root canal treatment since it comprises the first half of a root canal treatment and is commonly performed on baby teeth.

However, it differs from a root canal treatment. We commonly use a resorbable material upon filling the tooth’s canals, as the roots of baby teeth are resorbed when your child’s adult teeth erupt.

To help your child avoid serious dental issues, we highly recommend regular dental visits at least twice annually. Call or email us at your earliest convenience to book their next checkup or if you think they may already have a problem with their teeth!

When is it needed?

We may recommend a pulpectomy or root canal treatment when the pulp of your child’s teeth has become infected in such a way that it cannot only be resolved with antibiotics. It is typically performed on children’s infected baby teeth to help reduce the risk of early baby tooth loss, which can cause bite and alignment problems.

If left untreated, this type of infection would likely create an abscessed tooth, leading to swelling of their face, head, or neck. Additionally, without proper treatment, young patients would likely experience bone loss in the surrounding region, as well as an infection of the surrounding bone and soft tissues.

Learn more about our dental oasis and how we can help all members of your family with effective treatments and procedures in a relaxed and calm environment. A pulpectomy for your child doesn’t have to be scary. Book today!

How do we perform it?

A pulpectomy or rooth canal does not have to be daunting, especially with local anesthesia to freeze the affected tooth’s site. There are four necessary steps involved in this procedure:

  1. First, our dental team will create a small access hole in the surface of your tooth.
  2. Next, we will remove the pulp, decayed nerve tissue, and related debris from the tooth’s canals.
  3. Then, we thoroughly disinfect the root canal with an antibacterial solution, then prepare it to receive the filling material by slightly enlarging and shaping it.
  4. Lastly, we will fill the tooth’s root canals, pulp chamber, and surface access hole with a restorable material and seal it.

Schedule your consultation today at our Newmarket dental practice. Call or email Oasispark Dental to speak with one of our team members and meet us in person.

Pulpectomy FAQ

Is a pulpectomy the same as a root canal?

While both pulpectomy and root canal procedures involve treatment of the tooth’s pulp, they are not exactly the same. A pulpectomy is a dental procedure specifically performed on primary (baby) teeth to remove all of the infected or inflamed pulp tissue from within the tooth’s root canals. In contrast, a root canal treatment typically refers to the procedure performed on permanent teeth to remove infected or damaged pulp tissue, clean and shape the root canals, and fill them with a biocompatible material to seal them off. Both procedures aim to save the tooth and alleviate pain or infection, but they are tailored to the specific needs of primary and permanent teeth.

How to stop bleeding during pulpectomy?

Bleeding during a pulpectomy procedure is typically controlled using various techniques and materials to ensure a successful outcome. Your Newmarket dentist or endodontist may use specialized instruments, such as a dental dam, to isolate the tooth and create a clean operating field. Additionally, hemostatic agents or medicated dressings may be applied to the tooth’s pulp chamber to promote blood clot formation and hemostasis. In some cases, electrocautery or laser techniques may be utilized to cauterize blood vessels and minimize bleeding during the procedure.

Can you do pulpectomy on open apex teeth?

Yes, a pulpectomy procedure can be performed on teeth with open apexes, although the treatment approach may differ slightly from that used for teeth with fully formed apices. Teeth with open apexes, such as immature permanent teeth or primary teeth, have incompletely formed root tips and may require specialized techniques to achieve successful treatment outcomes. Your Newmarket dentist or endodontist will evaluate the tooth’s developmental stage and customize the pulpectomy procedure to address any specific challenges associated with open apexes, such as controlling bleeding or promoting apexogenesis (continued root development).

What is the difference between a pulp cap and a pulpotomy?

Both pulp capping and pulpotomy are dental procedures aimed at preserving the vitality of the tooth’s pulp tissue and promoting healing. However, they differ in their scope and application. A pulp cap is a minimally invasive procedure performed to treat a small area of exposed or irritated pulp tissue by applying a protective material, such as calcium hydroxide or dental adhesive, directly onto the pulp exposure site. In contrast, a pulpotomy involves the partial removal of the coronal portion of the pulp tissue from within the tooth’s pulp chamber, followed by the application of a medicated dressing to promote healing and preserve the remaining healthy pulp tissue. Pulpotomy is typically performed on primary (baby) teeth with extensive caries or trauma to alleviate pain and infection while preserving the tooth’s function and structure.


A pulpectomy is a dental procedure performed on primary (baby) teeth to remove all infected or inflamed pulp tissue from within the tooth’s root canals. Bleeding during a pulpectomy is controlled using specialized techniques and materials to ensure a successful outcome. Pulpectomy can be performed on teeth with open apexes, although the treatment approach may vary depending on the tooth’s developmental stage. Pulp capping and pulpotomy are related procedures aimed at preserving pulp vitality, with pulp capping involving the application of a protective material to a small pulp exposure site and pulpotomy involving the partial removal of the coronal pulp tissue to promote healing. If you have any questions or concerns about pulpectomy or other endodontic procedures, don’t hesitate to discuss them with your Newmarket dentist or endodontist, who can provide personalized guidance and recommendations based on your individual needs and circumstances.

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