Endodontics is the study of the teeth’ internal parts, including their canals and roots. It is basically concerned with the preservation of teeth. If the tooth has issues inside its roots, the Newmarket dentist may perform endodontic treatment or root canal therapy.  

Is endodontic treatment necessary?

Our teeth have a cap which is attached to the jaw bone. The cap is called the enamel. The enamel is very strong. However, it is thin and naturally porous. When bacteria infect the teeth, they easily enter the enamel and start multiplying. They usually multiply faster than killing the bacteria.

Once the bacteria have got into the enamel, they can cause decay. The bacteria get to work eating away at the enamel, producing acid. This acid is detrimental to the teeth and causes them to become weaker and softer.

The bacteria multiply, and as the body has no way of getting rid of them, eventually, they cause an infection.

The infection causes the bacteria to multiply even more. It breaks out of the enamel and into the underlying bone causing a disease to the jaw bone.

When the infection reaches the jaw bone, the body no longer knows how to get rid of it. The disease starts to cause bone loss. If left unchecked, the infection causes tooth loss.

You can prevent these domino effects with the help of your Newmarket dentist. However, when it’s too late, this is when an endodontic treatment becomes necessary. 

What does it involve?

Endodontic treatment is a procedure which removes parts of a tooth which have become infected or decayed. These parts are usually filled with a restorative substance called gutta percha.

The treatment is usually carried out under a local anesthetic. The part of the tooth which is removed is cleaned and sealed.

A specialist dentist or the Newmarket endodontist will identify the problem tooth and carry out the procedure. Once the process is complete, they will present you with a report detailing what entailed the endodontic treatment.

What can be cured with endodontics?

Endodontics is used to cure several different problems. Teeth that have suffered decay or infection can become very painful. The disease can lead to loss of pulp and the formation of tooth decay.

  • Endodontics can be used to remove the infected pulp and relieve the pain.
  • The treatment is also used to fix holes in the tooth and badly damaged teeth.
  • It is also used to save teeth at a high risk of falling out.

How is a treatment carried out?

The treatment is carried out under local anesthesia. This means you will be numb in the area where the treatment will be carried out. Here’s the rest of the procedure:

  1. The Newmarket specialist will numb the area around the tooth using a local anesthetic before starting the endodontic treatment.
  2. They will make a small hole in your tooth. This is done using a small instrument which is the dental drill. 
  3. The specialist will then use a small instrument called ‘endodontic burs’ to open the root canals.
  4. Following that, they will then clean out the root canals and fill up the root canals with a restorative substance called gutta percha. 
  5. The treated tooth is then permanently sealed.

What to expect after endodontic treatment

The effect of local anesthesia wears off after a few minutes. You will feel pressure in your head and maybe a little nauseous.

The pressure is from the anesthetic, and it is not related to the procedure. Your Newmarket endodontist will prescribe you a pill for you to take to help with nausea.

For the first few hours, you may feel pretty tired and have a headache. The headache is from the anesthetic and not from the endodontic treatment. So, it is normal and will go away within a few minutes. 

The dentist will give you instructions on caring for your treated tooth. The tooth feels natural after your treatment. It is back to normal and should feel no different from a regular tooth.

Treatment risks

The treatment is not dangerous. However, your Newmarket dentist will warn you that there is a small risk of you suffering a root perforation during the treatment.

A perforation is a tear in the tooth. This incident is very rare. It is more likely to happen with older root canals. The tooth will bleed a little during the treatment. After the endodontic treatment, your teeth will look a little swollen, and you may notice that you have some spots of blood on your pillow.

The blood from the perforation is not from your treatment. The bleeding is from the hole in the tooth and may also associate with swelling. It usually goes away within a few hours from your surgery. 

The tooth will feel a little tender and sensitive to hot and cold for a few days. Don’t worry; this is normal as it is healing. Take in a couple of weeks, and you’ll be good. If you do notice that the symptoms have become irregular or persistent, involve your dentist immediately. 

Avoid root canal treatment

It can’t be helped; some patients are not comfortable with undergoing dental surgeries like root canal treatment in Newmarket. It has long been associated with a painful procedure.

Contrary to these beliefs, endodontic treatments are painless. Thanks to technology! Nevertheless, there’s another way to avoid this procedure completely – religiously follow your oral hygiene. 

It is essential to brush your teeth at least twice a day after meals. It is a good idea to floss and use a fluoride mouthwash to help prevent tooth decay. If you find that you have a lot of acidic foods in your diet, then try to cut back on them. Acidic foods can cause permanent damage to the enamel.

When visiting the dentist, it is essential to make sure that your dentist checks your dental fillings. If you find that fillings need replacing, then your dentist will be happy to do this. Your Newmarket dentist will also be able to give you advice on how to care for your teeth at home.

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